/* Name: s.ramkumar Description:my program demonstrate how the over loading task has been implemented.the program contains three different funtions. 1)matrix multiplication 2)adding complex number. 3)difference between system time and user input time. all this process are done with overloading by using of objects.it is useful to learners of overloading in c++ */ #include #include #include long int hh1,mm1,ss1; class over { private: int a[3][3]; int re,im; long hh,mm,ss; int i,j,k; public: void getmat(); void dismat(); void getcom(); void discom(); void getutime(); void getstime(); void distime(); over operator *(over o4); over operator +(over o5); over operator -(over o6); }; void over ::getmat() { cout<<"enter matrix elements:\n"; for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for(j=0;j<3;j++) { cin>>a[i][j]; } } } void over ::dismat() { for(i=0;i<3;i++) { for(j=0;j<3;j++) { cout<>re; cout<<"\nenter imaginary part:"; cin>>im; } void over ::discom() { //cout<<"\nreal part="<>hh>>mm>>ss; clrscr(); cout<<"your time:\n"; cout<