/* Name: Manesh Description: Its a simple program which calculates the day of the week for any given date & month of the year 2002. */ #include #include #include void main() { int opt,date,day; char b; cout<<"****A program to find out the day of the week for any date of the year 2002****\n\n"; cout<<"1.January\n2.February\n3.March\n4.April\n5.May\n6.June\n7.july\n8.August\n9.September\n10.October\n11.November\n12.December\n"; a: cout<<"\nEnter the value of the month:"; cin>>opt; cout<<"\nEnter the date of the month:"; cin>>date; switch(opt) { case 1: if(date<=31) {day=(8+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information january has only 31 days.\n"; break; case 2: if(date<=28) {day=(11+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information february has only 28 days.\n"; break; case 3: if(date<=31) {day=(11+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information march has only 31 days.\n"; break; case 4: if(date<=30) {day=(7+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information april has only 30 days.\n"; break; case 5: if(date<=31) {day=(9+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information may has only 31 days.\n"; break; case 6: if(date<=30) {day=(12+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information june has only 30 days.\n"; break; case 7: if(date<=31) {day=(7+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information july has only 31 days.\n"; break; case 8: if(date<=31) {day=(10+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information august has only 31 days.\n"; break; case 9: if(date<=30) {day=(6+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information september has only 30 days.\n"; break; case 10: if(date<=31) {day=(8+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information october has only 31 days.\n"; break; case 11: if(date<=30) {day=(11+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information november has only 30 days.\n"; break; case 12: if(date<=31) {day=(6+date)%7;} else cout<<"\nFor u'r kind information december has only 31 days.\n"; break; } if(day==0) {cout<<"\nIts SUNDAY.\n";} if(day==1) {cout<<"\nIts MONDAY.\n";} if(day==2) {cout<<"\nIts TUESDAY.\n";} if(day==3) {cout<<"\nIts WEDNESDAY.\n";} if(day==4) {cout<<"\nIts THURSDAY.\n";} if(day==5) {cout<<"\nIts FRIDAY.\n";} if(day==6) {cout<<"\nIts SATURDAY.\n";} cout<<"\n****************************************************\n"; cout<<"\nWould u like to continue?[y/n]:"; cin>>b; if(b=='y'||b== 'Y') goto a; else getch(); getch(); }